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On the 22nd of May 2013, a wonderful man passed away. The 16th of September would have been his 75th birthday.

Although he wasn't widely acknowledged as an extraordinary man, my father was exactly that. He was strict but fair; sometimes quick to judge but so very often right.

He was often flawless in the detail of his memory and, as it turns out, had been so from a very early age. Perhaps to the point of having an eidetic memory; something I have seen in only one other person I have ever known.

He was, without doubt, a massive influence on the lives of my siblings and I, and even when we moved from Wales to Scotland in early 1977, he remained a central presence in the extended family he left behind.

He is - and will always be - sadly missed, by his brother, sisters, cousins, nieces and nephews, his partner, Margaret... and not least by us; his children, grandchilren and great grandchildren.

This was one of his favourite songs. Ironically written by a young girl to her father and sent to Ann Murray, the artist who recorded it.

The young songwriter died soon afterwards, not reaching her 20th year, but this was a song my father sang (badly), hummed (acceptably) and listened to at any opportunity.

In fond remembrance: Charles Edward Lloyd (Sept 16th 1938 ~ May 22nd 2013)

I needed you and you were there... always.

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