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The Guardians - Part One, is launched in e-book format....

It was a far longer project than either of us originally expected, but finally, on September 9th, the e-book of the opening six episodes was published.

The Guardians is a science-fiction thriller, bringing together the Dracula legend and the best of traditional sci-fi. Along the way, we also managed to re-introduce some of my co-author's superb characters from her solo works.

Originally intended to be a variation on the traditional tale of invasion and resistance, The Guardians encompasses several complex sub-plots involving everything from the internal political struggles of the invading Crulla, to the difficult creation of a resistance on Earth.

You can trust us to make things far more complicated for you as the second set of episodes comes to fruition, including a rather bloodthirsty human, out for vengeance for his own ancestor...

For my co-author, Linell Jeppsen, and I, this publication represents a massive effort (which I hope she has enjoyed as much as I did) and the promise that the series will contiue in 2014.

I have already had e-mails from readers asking for spoilers and advanced copies of the next episode, but I'm afraid we must ask you to be patient. The story-line is very much in the early stages, and although we know what the future holds for some of the characters, we're not quite ready to share that yet.

This new e-book has extended chapters and has undergone extensive re-edits to novelise the episodes into a single volume, adding several thousand words and tightening up an already strong story.

We truly hope you all enjoy the read, whilst we look forward to continuing the story for you.

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